Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

Moving day

Is fast approaching. My case came home yesterday but there is no way I can make-up 40 or for even 36 hours at this point and still get all the stuff I need done to move. My next two days would have looked like this...

Thursday work 7p-7am Friday , pack or sleep, Work Friday 7p-7a Saturday, drive 30 minutes to school, have class from 8-1230ish, then home to finish packing, help with loading, then unloading, then unpacking, then sleep when? That would be just too much and I know there is NO way I can do that and still function. Its a nice thought but one I know that would end with me doing nothing.

I was telling the Mom that I can only work my regular schedule this week even though there was no work on Mon and Tues, The mom was like, " You can spend the day here if you want to get your hours." Um yeah thanks, but there is this thing called sleep? She laughed, " Oh yeah I forgot."

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