Senin, 22 Juli 2013

Vacation Interuptus

I wish I could say that we were going somewhere but we are not. This was not really a planned vacation per say but the little one I take care of is off on her "Make A Wish" vacation to Disneyland so I have 1 week off. I have vacation time and am not willing or able to pick up day shifts anywhere, my availability is pretty limited because of having the girls right now, although it looks as if they will be going home the first week in Aug. We should be getting other placement after that...and we have some more training to do to become a Child Development Home as well. What it means is more medically complex and disabled children vs your typical kid. This designation allows a higher pay grade thus allowing hubby to stay at home to be the primary caretaker. Oh and don't forget I have school coming up as well!

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